Indian Peaks Radio Club

IPRC Board Of Directors

Charley Ray, President K4NYN

John Adler, Trustee KD6CFW

John Adler (KD6CFW) has been a Ham since ~1992, and before that he was using HF to communicate while on Antarctica when serving in the US Navy. Elsewhere in time, he worked with UHF and EHF communications satellites, and studied ionospheric effects. A traveler and tinkerer by nature, John has been to all 7 continents & both Poles, utilizing various gizmos and gadgets. He loves all electronic devices, from DC to infinity. John is currently the Trustee for the Indian Peaks Radio Club.

Diane Stanitski, Secretary KE0FHR

Diane Stanitski (KE0FHR) earned her Technician license in 2015 and was one of the original members of the Indian Peaks Radio Club (IPRC).  She has served as secretary of the club since 2018.  Diane works in NOAA's Global Monitoring Laboratory in Boulder.  As a climatologist by training, Diane loves all things weather and climate and became attracted to ham radio as a means of emergency communication during severe weather and other natural hazard events.  She enjoys hands-on activities and diving into the learning aspects of the hobby, and appreciates meeting ham radio operators in the area who care about their neighbors and communities.  She is proud to be a member of the IPRC!

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© 2021 Indian Peaks Radio Club

Mailing Address:

Indian Peaks Radio Club

PO Box 1691

Nederland, CO 80466